Disney originals VS Disney live action movie reviews

For my Media working method's class I did a research on the Disney live action movies. For the sake of the research I watched overall six movies (would've watched more if I had the time) - three original animated Disney movies and three Disney live action remakes of those originals. So I got to watch Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast and Aladdin... basically two times.

Before this research I had only seen three live action movies Maleficent, Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast (if we don't count the 90's 101 Dalmatians and its sequel) - so basically the Aladdin's live action was the only actually new movie to me. But I wanted to refresh my memory and watch Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast again after some years.

So, knowing the original Disney movies by heart I decided to watch the live actions first so I wouldn't lose my focus on them in during the watching, like I did with the original cartoons. I took these notes down as I watched the movies and for this post I added a short summary of the movie with a grade.

Cinderella (1950)


  • Short and simple intro with a little narration

  • Memorable and beautiful songs

  • Expressive characters

  • Emotional scenes translate to the audience better with the colors, music and voices

  • The jokes are still funny even after 70 years


  • Classically more cartoonish and aimed for kids

  • Not for people who don’t enjoy musicals


  • Many scenes are focused around side and supporting characters, and take time from Cinderella’s own struggles and growth as a character

  • Children of today might find the rhythm of the movie boring

  • Prince had no personality whatsoever (he yawned like once and sang a song)

In conclusion: Cinderella makes me laugh more today than it did when I was still a kid. It's done beautifully and the songs won't leave your head. 8/10

Cinderella (2015)


  • Cate Blanchett is perfect in her role as the elegant but harsh stepmother 

  • Tells the background story more in depth and Cinderella’s struggles being nice, even to bad people

  • More depth for the prince as well

  • Interesting colour palette in costumes


  • Cate Blanchett steals the show with her powerful character

  • More “realistic” and serious setting


  • Too busy with all the details

  • Animation effects aren’t that impressive

  • “Action” sequences felt unnecessary and long

  • Music isn’t really memorable

  • Too much narration for my taste

  • Left with an even and lukewarm feeling

In conclusion: A mediocre Cinderella story in a pretty, classical setting. Would watch again only to see Cate Blanchett in her gorgeous role though. 5,5/10

Beauty and the Beast (1991)


  • Intense, emotional music

  • Prologue done with a simple but beautiful way

  • Darkness adds extra thrills to the scary and intense scenes

  • Felt magical with the very “extra” sequences

  • Actually funny


  • Contrasts between comical and scary scenes balance each other

  • The 3D effects blend in well with the 2D animation quite well for its time


  • Sometimes animation drops quality wise, but doesn’t affect the experience

In conclusion: A story about Stockholm syndrome wrapped in a colorful musical with beautiful songs and visuals. 9/10

Beauty and the Beast (2017)


  • Beautiful setting

  • Took inspiration from the original fairytale (Belle’s dad picking a rose for her from his trip)

  • New songs

  • Foreshadows some things from the start which was a nice little touch

  • Did have some funny jokes

  • The side characters had more at stake compared to the original

  • Not half bad CGi

  • All in all added new elements and changed some details in the story which were nice and refreshing to see


  • Some musical numbers seemed to lack energy

  • Some scenes would’ve needed more time to gain more emotional value that they clearly tried to seek

In conclusion: All in all a fine movie, even though it only had half of the energy of the original movie. 7/10

Aladdin (1992)


  • Amazing, unforgettable songs

  • Rich and intense color palettes

  • Extraordinary, even scary atmosphere at times

  • Funny jokes

  • Story goes forward in a good pace and doesn’t let you get bored


  • Finnish dub is better than the original, don’t @ me


  • Some 3D effects are a bit outdated

  • Some Genie’s celebrity references might not be understood by audiences outside USA and are overall outdated

  • Some of the jokes try too hard

In conclusion: An entertaining movie in all its aspects: characters, songs, story, visuals, jokes... Nearly a perfect package. 9,5/10

Aladdin (2019)


  • Cute intro/opening credits summarizes the main characters well and makes you feel nostalgic

  • Overall very colorful movie

  • New songs

  • Made me chuckle a few times

  • Abu and Carpet were animated better than I expected

  • I actually liked that they discarded Aladdin being in the prison and Jafar acting the old man - it gave Jafar and Aladdin more personal “bond” (even if it was very little)

  • Maybe not perfect, but Will Smith was definitely a fun and good casting choice for Genie

  • Sweet ending had a nice connection to the intro


  • English (the original language) seemed oddly weird considering the setting, but what else can you expect from a Disney movie, really


  • The story starts off quite fast…

  • … but still feels like it’s taking too much time to get to the “actual” story

  • I wished for different actors for Jasmine and Jafar

  • Some of the edits and transitions seemed hasty and cheap

  • I started missing the original movie’s sweet and silly sultan (aka. my favorite character in the animated one) who in this was mostly just meh

In conclusion: A good remake for the grown up audience who grew up with Aladdin. I just wished they had tried even more and maybe give the production more time to polish it - I could even call it "diamond in the rough", ehehehe. 7/10


  1. Oooo this must've been a fun post to make!! Honestly when watching the og princess movies like Snow White, Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella I find the lack of personality of the prince characters pretty funny :D Like fr they could all be the same person. And still all of the princesses fall so dramatically in love with them, it's crazy. I like Aladdin because it actually puts a personality on the "prince".

    Anyways, I agree with the comparisons. Watching a remake always leaves me feeling like I didn't actually experience anything new or interesting - which is why I don't even bother watching them anymore (unless they are on Netflix & I've never seen them b4 & I can't find aaanything else to watch.....)! The original animations are so much more expressive and fun, and those things just can't be redone in live-action.

    1. Indeed! :'D That's why I'm glad they've at least tried to give the princes more personality in the modern Disney 3D films.

      I totally get it, after seeing even these three remakes it really didn't motivate me to watch many more afterwards, ahaha. The original 2D films bring much more happiness, so better stick with them!

  2. Really interesting to see comparisons between the og's and live-action ones as so well put out! Really gives some perspective how animated movies probably should have stayed as animated ones :'D I hope Disney would return making beautiful 2D animated movies and stopped wasting time on these live-action ones...

    1. Thank you! Yeah, I'd really hope so too, even though my hope for the 2D animations has been dead since the 2D studio shut down at Disney in 2013, which was a huge disappointment... But on the other hand it seems like some of the employees there seem to be interest in making traditional 2D animations, so I really hope they'd even try out it again sometime!


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