BB / thoughts on reality TV

Oh, (big) brother. How low I’ve come.

I started watching Big Brother for the first time ever along with the new season that just started. I remember a time when I thought to myself that “I’d never go that low”. But according to my calculations; with these kinds of things, I’m wrong about 98% of the time. So, here we are.

Mostly I started watching it because of my friends. I watch a lot of trash because of my friends, actually. They are the reason I ever started watching Temptation Island, and look at me now - I’ve been following TI for the past 3-4 seasons with an unnecessary amount of interest and now I’m excited about the upcoming season like hell. I just want to see people doing stupid things while drunk and going on dates with a hangover. And of course, before even trying TI, I said to myself never to watch that show because the idea is stupid. Yeah, the show is hella stupid. So thanks, friends, for making me addicted to stupid trash.

But that’s what makes it entertaining - it’s the essence of reality TV. It’s trash. It’s fun. It’s easy to laugh at. It’s easy to shout at. It’s easy to get frustrated at. It’s easy to get angry at the people attending the show. Some might find it repulsive or a waste of time to watch something that’s frustrating with annoying people in different settings and I totally understand that. But they’re designed to get people hooked on watching them - but by what exactly are we hooked on? Why do they seem to work?

Reality shows are easy and sometimes the audience think it’s 100% real at times (at least most of the american reality shows are definitely scripted and manipulated) - and that's what we want to see. We want to see the truths. We are curious by nature. We want to know the truth, we want to know all the secrets, even though in the end they’re none of our business. But the people are putting themselves on the spotlight and if they’re telling and showing their secrets publicly, of course we’ll listen and grave for more information. Does that make us have an illusion that we actually know the people behind the screens? Does that make us attached to the shows? Maybe I’m thinking too far. It’s trash. Though, overanalyzing were it trash or not, is fun.

But back to Big Brother. 

So far… I think I’ve enjoyed watching BB. Not sure if it is the actual show or the conversations we have with friends while we watch it (‘cause let me tell you, our chat is busy with all the reactions, speculations and memes during our watch-alongs). Maybe it could be because it’s an easy add to everyday routine since it airs every single day during the late evening. It’s like the TV is saying “hey, stop the work, now it’s time to be brain-free and relax before bed”. It's easy trash to consume for those curious people who want to peek at random people living in a closed apartment. Also, I finally can understand all the BB talk my friends have.

This is me trying to work without taking any naps during the day.


  1. "I'd never go that low" is exactly what I think to myself when my friends are talking about BB or TI :D I always think I wouldn't be able to watch these shows for more than 10 minutes because I'd just be like "oh my god, these people are so stupid. why are they doing these things????" but I guess that's part of the charm of these shows: as you said, you get to be "brain-free" for a moment and just relax.

    Amazing drawing by the way hahaha :D and the video at the end :DDDD loved it

    1. Hahaha, that's pretty much how I exactly think while watching TI or BB, "why you doing that?? stop it you stupid!!" :D but yes, that's indeed the charm of it!

      Thank you so much! Also yes very golden video material xD


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